Thursday, May 27, 2010

So Close...But This Time We're Smoking a Chocolate Cigar!!

This afternoon Michelle got a phone call saying that the final document needed for review was brought before a judge today, and beyond our wildest imaginations…WE PASSED COURT TODAY!!! Our new court date wasn’t supposed to be until June 16th, but for whatever reason, they decided to review a handful of families cases and we were one of them.

In her conversation with the woman from our agency, Michelle was told that the next step is for our adoption to go before the US Embassy, where travel documents and visas will be processed. The Embassy typically does its own investigation, in order to ensure the integrity of the adoption. Lately, the US Embassy has been passing families very quickly.

Basically, our timeline could be as long as 2-3 months (so we’d be traveling in late July or August) if the investigation takes longer than expected time. Otherwise, we could be traveling anytime between early to mid July. There is a 5-10% chance that we could travel as early as June 20th!! Which means we could be bringing home our baby boy in less than a month!

Obviously, this is all really new and really exciting. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and words of support and encouragement, especially after the more disappointing news yesterday. Now we get to celebrate with everyone today!! (It’s crazy how God does things sometimes…but we couldn’t be more grateful!)

So if yesterday was like failing the drivers test by missing one lousy turn. Today is like passing the stupid test blindfolded!! Because although you might hope something miraculous would happen, you convince yourself otherwise...then the Lord does what only the Lord does...and the next thing you're driving your parent's minivan down the road with no one else sitting next to you!!

(Which is probably like think you know what you're plan like you know what you're doing...then all of a sudden you're driving a minivan...and there is no one sitting next to you telling you how to do this thing...only a baby in the backseat, staring at you with all the wonder and excitement in the world!!)

We can't wait for this adventure.

Thanks again for everything. We are so excited to be at this place in our adoption journey and can’t wait to bring him home soon!!!


  1. Wooooooohoooooooo! Congratulations! What an exciting step in your journey! So happy for y'all. Not too sure about the chocolate cigar metaphor, but happpy-giddy nonetheless. ;)

  2. Congrats guys! Can't wait to see some photos! Hope all is well in Cleveland.

