Saturday, June 26, 2010

We're Going Underground

Since Matty is on his way home (or will be shortly) we are going to switch our blog from public to private. We decided to do this because we want to post pictures and videos and we decided that, at least for the time being, we going to be a bit selective on how and where we post pics.

Fear not...I think this should be fairly simple. If you'd like to keep up to speed on Matty Poo please let us know and we'll add you to our list of readers. I do think this will require you to sign in to read our blog and I apologize for the extra step. However, if you follow us on Google Reader you shouldn't have to sign in each time. (Let me know if you do and I'll see if we can work out something more efficient).

For those of you not familiar with Google Reader you may want to check out this article. It will change your blogging experience and although it may look a little confusing-I promise it is NOT. I set this up in five minutes and it a lifesaver.

Happy Blogging and email Jason ( if you want us to add you to our list of readers.



  1. Definitely count me in! Already have you in my google reader. :)

  2. Please oh please oh please oh please... Please?

  3. This is so exciting!!! Congratulations!!!!

  4. SOOOO excited!!! please add me to your email list! love you guys so much and i love matty already so much and can't wait to SQUEEEEEZE him =) xoxoxox praying for you guys daily! love you papa jason and mush! xoxox-meesh!

  5. I'm IN and following your exciting journey!!

    Can't wait to see this family in guys are awesome!! You have so much love to give and Matty is going to be such a completed little package for you to shower with that love and care.

    Can't wait to spoil him...just a little~no worries, Jason, you'll get some attention too!!

  6. OK....I am officially on...Katie had to help me because it was all in German....I cannot wait to get my hands on that guy...get all emotional thinking about it!!!! WOW!!!! So very happy for both of you, for Matty, for us, ......XXXXXOOOOO nannie in waiting!!!
