April was a great month with Matty. We took plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Matty took us on several runs, rollerblade trips, and bike excursions. At first he wasn't too excited about his bike helmet (we do realize it is a tad oversized) but now that he realizes he gets to bike he doesn't seem to mind as much.
Matty is talking all the time and we are trying to work on indoor voices but at 16 months that doesn't seem to mean much. However, he really seems to comprehend what we are saying and it has been a joy to communicate with him. Whether through sign language or rather abrupt screams he is able to hint at what he wants (for example: bat, ball, please, more, night night, more, ball, ball, book, more). Yes, we do see the theme...already he is passionate about food and baseball and we think he is a genius! (Michelle thinks he is wise beyond his months because of his incredible vocabulary while Jason thinks he is the smartest baby on the planet because he has his priorities straight :)).
Here is a picture of Matty eating dinner in the bathroom during his first of many tornado drills. We feel blessed to be safe and our hearts go out to all of the families in our community that are less fortunate. Thanks for your prayers.

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